Hope to the hopeless

Hope to the hopeless is our crusades and outreach wing led by prophet Yao. It was born in response to the great commission giving to us by Christ Jesus. The mission is to invade the earth with the Godpel of Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit. Through our mass crusades we have seen a great harvest of soul coming into God’s kingdom.

Hope to the hopeless is also a platform where the needs of the communities we visit are met through our program of food distribution. By the special grace of the Lord, this mission has taken us to various countries among which, Malawi, Burundi, Ivory Coast and many more to come. We also have had an impact in many communities in South Africa.

Hope to the hopeless dreams to give scholarships to children coming from difficult backgrounds and offer housing to the less privileged as the Lord lead.
we therefore invite you to join us in this exciting journey to make our Lord known to the world. Prayerfully consider today to be a partner of Hope to the Hopeless.
May God Bless you.